Photo Friday: The Firewave

Valley of Fire - Firewave
Valley of Fire – Firewave

Last week I took a short trip to Nevada and while not primarily a photography trip, I have wanted to visit Valley of Fire State Park for sometime. One of the big draws to this area is a feature known as the firewave. Essentially, a smaller version of the Wave that is found in Arizona, the striations in the rocks make for some interesting patterns and, of course, great photography. Since it is photographed often, I tried various vantage points and angles. This image, my favorite, was taken well after sunset and after I had moved up fairly high in relation to the wave. I really wanted to capture the lines of the rocks drawing the viewer into the swirling patterns at the bottom.

Technical Details:
Canon 5D Mark II, 24 F/3.5L TS-E, f/10, 3 images stitched
Valley of Fire State Park

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